Sports Materials Distribution Program

The UNESCO International Charter of Physical Education and Sport, 1978 recognizes sports as a major tool for development that aids the social and emotional development of children and youth. It is even truer for children from the underprivileged and marginalized communities.

The TJH Foundation completely recognizes the significance of sports for children in remote areas of the nation. It is our firm belief that the physical, social, and emotional well-being of children is positively influenced by sports. We thus regularly conduct the distribution of sports materials for marginalized children in our project areas. These include Bat, Badminton Net, Basketball, Volley Ball, Skipping, Hockey Bat, etc.

Multiple advantages of sports and physical activities on the social and emotional development of children are revealed through a review of diverse global-scale studies. It is inclusive of enhanced social interaction, self-esteem, and confidence. Further, it has been emphasized that the mental well being of children is positively influenced by physical activity.

We are well aware of the vital role of sports for children and thus undertake suitable initiatives that benefit rural children. Games and physical activity form an essential component of the learning for children in our focused measures. The sports activities that we conduct for rural children in our project areas aim to enhance the learning and spirit of leadership among them.

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