The TJH Foundation formation

The JoinHands Foundation was formed by two individuals who were highly motivated and zealous to promote the mission of Nation Building. The inspiration was to transform the lives of underprivileged children in rural India by making them self-reliant. They aimed to develop the children from marginalized sections of the society into dynamic youth contributing productively to society.

The Founders decided to establish a platform for promoting, sustaining, and empowering the NGO sector realizing its vital and phenomenal role in furthering the cause of Nation Building. As a result, the TJH Foundation was established in the year 2011.

The purpose was to provide an array of services and facilities for the underprivileged children in rural India who cannot access educational and developmental opportunities owing to economic factors. In the initial stages, they are being provided with necessary amenities like clothes, educational materials, care, and others.

The TJH Foundation at the macro level is a fund-raising platform that collaborates with individuals and organizations inclined to implement charitable activities. With the formal registration of the Foundation, dedicated and focused initiatives commenced aiming to offer maximum facilitation to the beneficiaries. Since our inception, we have been accepting contributions and funds from diverse organizations, corporate companies, and individuals in India.

We have progressively expanded our resources and support for multiple initiatives directed towards the positive transformation of the lives of children in remote areas. It is inclusive of their well-being apart from increasing awareness and access to a few vital rights including:

Right to Basic Education, Right to Proper Healthcare,

Right to Protection,

Right to Residence and Employment in a Healthy Environment and,

Right to Participate in the Process of Decision-Making that can Impact their Lives

As an organization, we have been implementing persistent and focused endeavors since our inception for realizing the mission of Nation Building through the empowerment of underprivileged children. We aim to undertake operations at the national scale for transforming the lives of children in remote areas. Most of them are from the marginalized communities and devoid of even the fundamental human rights for a life of dignity.

In our decade long journey so far, we have fruitfully expanded our reach to thousands of families in rural regions in the states Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. We have found that many NGOs are operating for the well-being of underprivileged children in urban regions. As a result, our initiatives are focused on children living in remote areas and villages in these States.

On the other hand, our goal in the years ahead is expanding the operations and initiatives at the national scale and we aim to commence this expanded reach with other South Indian states.

Join our “Nation Building Mission” through Rural Education & Empowerment