The Objectives of the TJH Foundation

The success and legacy of the Foundation lie in its focused endeavours in transforming the rural children into self-reliant individuals. Our initiatives at the organization level are aimed at the welfare of the marginalized and downtrodden children. We are making relentless efforts to reach every child and facilitate their personality development. This is to set them free from the restrictions arising out of belonging to the marginalized and ignorant section of society.

Our initiatives encompass work at the level of grassroots reaching out to the masses. This is to enhance awareness regarding the vital role of quality education to progress in life as individuals. We have been spearheading the mission to facilitate quality education to the highly marginalized and underprivileged rural children. This is with the solitary purpose to ensure that the privileges of the Right to Education Act in India reach the maximum numbers of underprivileged children.

The fundamental driving factor for the Foundation is ensuring access to schools to all children irrespective of their origin. This is to provide them an ambience for learning, playing, and interacting with fellow peer group children. It will equip them to obtain a dignified living and contribute as responsible citizens to society.

The TJH Foundation firmly believes that focusing on the best interests of children alone can achieve sustainable development of the nation. Also, children must be active participants in this process of transformation. Our endeavours are thus focused around children for initiatives aimed at community development. They are the core of all our organizational activities, operations, and programs.

Being a Not-for-profit organization, our approach is based on service and development. We have thus offered facilitation and support to communities equipping them with resources and structures. This is to offer a secure ambience to children enabling them to achieve their optimum potential.

As an organization, we have so far achieved considerable progress in the rates of student enrolment across our areas of reach. The Foundation is committed to the mission of enhancing the education quality all over the communities that we aim to reach out to. It is our long-term goal to encompass maximum areas in rural India and contribute towards the attainment of sustainable development of the nation.

Join our “Nation Building Mission” through Rural Education & Empowerment